Where the Light Enters  Where the Light Ends by Sara Donati (2019 fiction)

This sequel to Ms. Donati’s 2016 novel The Gilded Hour continues the saga of 1870’s physicians Sophie and Anna Savard and their families as well as the investigation into the “multipara murders,” a series of extremely cruel deaths caused by an abortionist. The Savards are half sisters in a very complicated family.  Sophie is additionally a woman of color and was consequently suspect in the first novel and again incurs prejudices in this book, in spite of being above reproach.  Anna Savard is married to a New York City detective and so becomes doubly involved not only in the murders, but also in the investigation of orphanages. In the first novel, Anna and her husband become guardians of three Italian children whose parents have died, only to have them taken away when the Catholic Church objects. The story of these children continues in this novel. Both of Ms. Donati’s novels are rich in the history of New York City and of midwives and physicians in the post-Civil War era. They address many of the day’s social injustices, and while complicated, are readable and enjoyable. While Where the Light Enters stands on its own, it is helpful to read The Gilded Hour first. I am hoping for a third book in this series so I can find out what happens next.


Reviewed by Ginger Russell


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