Hello, Friends! Summer dashed by before we knew it and now we are looking toward the holiday season. During the summer, we had a very successful book sale in August and we are so grateful to the volunteers who made it happen as well as all the shoppers! On late Sunday, we were able to make free books available to a prison program, a Friends’ store in the San Joaquin Valley and to our local Little Free Libraries. Everyone wins!!
Our next book sale is the first weekend of December. The Friday night sale is on December 6 from 6-8 p.m. for members only. As always, members get first chance to peruse our great book, audio and video selections. There will also be specially priced books that will be wonderful holiday gifts. New membership cards will also be available to purchase at this time. The sale on Saturday, the 7th, is from 10-4 and on Sunday, December 8, we will have our $5 a bag sale from 12-4. If you are buying
children’s books, please be sure to look at the collection of audible children’s books. The library discontinued these and gave them to the Friends to sell. It’s a great selection from pre-school to middle school levels. You’ll find them in the children’s section of the sale. Watch for a $2 off coupon in the December 4 Forum for use at Saturday’s sale!
Our eBay team has continued to bring in over $1000 a month in sales. We recently sold a book to a person in Puerto Rico! Our team of Amy Fain, Scott Morgan, Wayne Ainsworth, Amber Marsh and Nancy Gee work diligently to Identify books and other material that is better placed on line than in our bookstore. They are supported by the volunteers who spot potential sale items. Then the hands-on work begins as items sell, members of the team box, weigh, label and mail them. It is labor intensive! We are so grateful that our volunteers have really entered into this endeavor with enthusiasm!
Our Annual Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 19, at 6:00 in the Chabot Room. We will be electing Vice President, Secretary, Recording Treasurer, and three At Large Board members for 2 year terms. Other items on the agenda include our Annual Financial Report and budget for the fiscal year, the Library’s Wishlist and any other items requested by the Board or attendees. You are invited to attend and participate in the discussion.
A Volunteer Dinner was held in October to which all volunteers were invited. This had been an annual event before Covid. It is a way to thank our volunteers for their service to our organization and to the community. Since we all work different shifts in the store, we don’t always see the others. It was so much fun seeing each other in a different setting and also meeting some spouses. We had food catered by El Rancho and everyone enjoyed it as well as the homemade cookies provided by Board members. Best of all, the weather cooperated!
Looking forward to seeing you at our Bookstore soon! If you can volunteer time to work at our December book sale, sign up sheets will be in the office in early November.